Using Berry Sample

Sample project UsingBerry

The Berry oracle is a decentralized oracle on Binance Smart Chain. It provides an option for contracts to securely interact with and obtain data from off-chain.

Quick references are included below:

Implement Berry into your project This repo already includes the usingBerry package.

How to use

1. Clone the project and install dependencies

git clone
npm install 

2. How to Use

Just Inherit the UsingBerry contract, passing the Berry address as a constructor argument:

Here's an example

contract BtcPriceContract is UsingBerry {

  //This Contract now have access to all functions on UsingBerry

  uint256 btcPrice;
  uint256 btcRequetId = 1;

  constructor(address payable _berryAddress) UsingBerry(_berryAddress) public {}

  function setBtcPrice() public {
    bool _didGet;
    uint _timestamp;
    uint _value;

    (_didGet, btcPrice, _timestamp) = getCurrentValue(btcRequetId);


BSC Mainnet: ``

3. The sample contract SampleUsingBerry have access to the following Berry functions:

    * @dev Retreive value from oracle based on requestId/timestamp
    * @param _requestId being requested
    * @param _timestamp to retreive data/value from
    * @return uint value for requestId/timestamp submitted
    function retrieveData(uint256 _requestId, uint256 _timestamp) public view returns(uint256);

    * @dev Gets if the mined value for the specified requestId/_timestamp is currently under dispute
    * @param _requestId to looku p
    * @param _timestamp is the timestamp to look up miners for
    * @return bool true if requestId/timestamp is under dispute
    function isInDispute(uint256 _requestId, uint256 _timestamp) public view returns(bool);

    * @dev Counts the number of values that have been submited for the request
    * @param _requestId the requestId to look up
    * @return uint count of the number of values received for the requestId
    function getNewValueCountbyRequestId(uint256 _requestId) public view returns(uint);

    * @dev Gets the timestamp for the value based on their index
    * @param _requestId is the requestId to look up
    * @param _index is the value index to look up
    * @return uint timestamp
    function getTimestampbyRequestIDandIndex(uint256 _requestId, uint256 _index) public view returns(uint256);

    * @dev Allows the user to get the latest value for the requestId specified
    * @param _requestId is the requestId to look up the value for
    * @return bool true if it is able to retreive a value, the value, and the value's timestamp
    function getCurrentValue(uint256 _requestId) public view returns (bool ifRetrieve, uint256 value, uint256 _timestampRetrieved);

    * @dev Allows the user to get the first value for the requestId before the specified timestamp
    * @param _requestId is the requestId to look up the value for
    * @param _timestamp before which to search for first verified value
    * @return bool true if it is able to retreive a value, the value, and the value's timestamp
    function getDataBefore(uint256 _requestId, uint256 _timestamp)
        returns (bool _ifRetrieve, uint256 _value, uint256 _timestampRetrieved);

5. To run tests:

npm run test

6. Migrations:

Just run truffle migrate with the desired Network

truffle migrate

Last updated